Afbeelding van serapis Bey, Time, Wendy Ebus


Een hele tijd geleden…maar ik ‘zag’ je net weer, in een meditatie. En ik herkende je, heel fijn.
Mag ik wat méér weten over wat we samen kunnen doen?
En hoe kan ik je het beste noemen? Of beter gezegd, hoe wil je dat ik je noem?

Serapis Bey; yes, this is a name which was given to me many, many years ago. But in the beginning, I am One of Source Energy, as are you, as are all living beings.
This place you call your home is a wondrous and marvellous place, and it inhibits many many different varieties of Source and Source energy; as many representatives that are imaginable, as many creatures and forms and creations are to be found here in your environment where you have chosen to live.
Yes, I am connected to this, your world, by free will and of my own choice. Call it an assignment that I volunteered for 😉

You can look through my eyes to the wonders in front of you, and all you will see and feel is sheer bliss. This is my gift to humankind and to all that connect with me.

We connected many, many times without you knowing so as per our ‘agreement’.
But it is a great joy for me too to now connect full-heartedly and deliberately and for you to make our connection an insightful one.
Ah, there are a great many wonders to discover, and as promised, you are going to be part of the discovering team. 😉
Yes, I know you remember, and you can feel that you remember, can’t you, my dear, dear friend?
We had planned this so many, many years ago, and we waited for this exact moment.
For I have walked upon this plane as do you now, and therefore I can relate to your ‘time’ as being a part of your earth experience.

The light is changing, and it’s not only the light from the sun that brings about this change; it is the cosmic radiance that is now reaching your earth and that can finally connect to the risen vibrations of many a creature on this beautiful plane.

Thát is the light that seems to change, and that is your experience of Time that is changing. You were right, you see, you and your sister. You are both in tune with the cosmic rays and open to their subtle inclinations. It is not so much that you are ’affected’ (by those changes) as that you both easily integrate these changes and can act upon them immediately.

Fear not, for your Time has come indeed, as it has come for many more who have been trusting and waiting.
You talk about awakening; I refer to the trust.
Trusting that we will all connect again as if there is no tomorrow 😉
As if there is no distance between us and as if we are all One.
For we are.


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