the roar of the Lion, channel, wendy ebus

Roar of the lion

Toen ik het hiernavolgende opschreef, was ik aan het nadenken over de situatie in de wereld op dit moment, met alles wat er gaande is.

Hallo, allemaal,

Hoe kan ik orde scheppen ? Waar kan ik me het beste het eerste op focussen? Pffft. Rommel in mijn hoofd.

The pursuit of happiness

Ok, we will guide you, step for step. As we have promised you, it will be joyful, but you will have to keep in touch with what you FEEL and follow our lead.

When you look back, what do you see?
Can you see the achievements? The successes? Can you see the moments you shared of pure bliss and deep gratitude? 

Those are the moments that count.

Do not think for one instant that all feelings carry the same vibration and thus the same weight.

Deep feelings of joy are so much more helpful on your path to evolution on this Earth than all your moments of despair combined.
That is one of the secrets of this Earth: your perceived moments of despair are outweighed by the moments of sheer happiness.

This is why this plane of yours keeps attracting souls like yourselves, not because there is a mission, although we applaud this concept, for it sparks many of you humans into action and into the directions of evolving themselves, but because it can not go wrong!

There is só much to gain from your being on Earth!
Every single drop of happiness, gratitude, love (and we mean pure love) sparks the flame of eternal evolution.  

You see, there is great joy in being in a physical body on this plane. For every soul, not only for humankind.
You humans also enjoy many things in your human bodies. But in your pursuit of the happy moments, you create unhappy moments when your happiness has not yet ‘arrived’, so to speak.

It is kind of amusing to us, and we mean that respectfully.
Your pursuit of happiness causes you sometimes stress, pain, or disappointment.
From our perspective, this is quite difficult to understand, for all is happiness, all is a culmination of experiences on your Earth.
And that is what you came here for!

Yes, of course, there is, what some might call, ‘a higher goal’. And to some, this is more important than to others. And that is all right, and precisely as it is supposed to be.

That is why some are in the frontline, and some are close behind. Some came to fight, so to speak, and some came to take care and build.

The roar of the lions

For, when this fight is over and won, for it has already been won, as you know, and the evidence of this will dawn upon mankind very soon, there will be a need for those who knew, and whose heart is still open and untouched.
There is a need for those who are standing tall behind the first wave, with their unwavering faith in humankind, with their abilities to heal with their love and with all the tools and experiences to start building your true free world.

So, to answer your and your little sister’s question:
Your fighters might be a little bit blindsided, but in their hearts burns a fire that can NOT be used (anymore) for a different cause.

The path is clear, you see, to everyone.
Not only to those who ‘fight’: you should know, there are many, many more fighters on your plane right now than even you know 😉.
But it is also clear to the ones who know that their cause is lost.
They too will be guided; differently, you might say, but do not forget, they also will be guided to light and clarity. Every soul will be taken care of; no one is ever, éver truly lost.
For all is love, and love is all there is.

Bring clarity in your heart first, and your mind will follow seamlessly.

Self-love, love of self and others, is the way.

Adonai, we greet you and are always, yes, all ways 😉 , here for you.

De titel van deze channel, the roar of the lion, is geïnspireerd door iets dat ik las: de waarheid is als een leeuw; je hoeft het niet te verdedigen. Het zal zich zelf verdedigen.

Photo by Elie Khoury – Unsplash

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